Wednesday, October 5, 2011

JBP/JSS (2011.10.05) - Moving Ahead Powerfully​!

Phase 1 of the Restart has now been completed. As far as I know, everything worked perfectly.
(The Restart was NOT applied to JSS-Tripler positions bought after August, 2011.)

All JSS-Tripler positions are now earning 2% per day. We're getting closer to full functionality.

We're now in a powerful position. Practically all other high-return programs simply disappear
when the going gets tough. We're the only high-return program (I know of) with a Restart
feature that makes the JSS-Tripler/JSS combination indefinitely sustainable.

There are probably over 10 million people who participate in high-return programs -- HYIPs, Autosurfs, etc. They would be wise to get into JSS-Tripler as soon as they can.

In the JSS-Tripler FAQ:

you can find out how to use "forum marketing" to contact some of these great prospects.

The best way to increase your JSS-Tripler earnings is to sponsor people:

You can also build up your daily earnings by buying more JSS-Tripler positions.

Our next development step will be to provide members affected by the Restart with their JSS positions. This will cause some cycling and earning. You may want to use some of these
earnings to buy more JSS-Tripler positions.

Working for our wealth and success,

Frederick Mann

P.S. I challenge you to find any program that's easier to make money with than JSS-Tripler.

P.P.S. JSS-Tripler is likely to become "the program everyone in the know joins."
If you join immediately, you can tell your friends and contacts about it...before they join under someone else.

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